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Captain James Cutter was a Senior Officer in the UNSC Navy.[1] He was the commanding officer of the modified colony ship, the UNSC Spirit of Fire.[2] Cutter is known to have had a wife and daughter on Reach.[3]

He appears as a hero unit in Halo Wars.[4]



Before joining the UNSC, Captain Cutter earned respect for standing up to terrorists in the Epsilon Indi system. Over time, he became the captain of the Spirit of Fire, and is known to walk the ship at night to check on the crew. He is so well respected that coffee houses give him free coffee beans to take with him on long trips.[5] Before the Harvest campaign, Cutter was offered command of the Destroyer UNSC Prophecy, though he turned it down. Cutter has both a wife and a daughter, both of whom live on Reach. Like all soldiers, he hopes to see his loved ones after the war ends.[6]

With the outbreak of war with the Covenant, Cutter was handpicked by Admiral Preston Cole to command the Spirit of Fire in her new role as center of repair, supply, and forward deployment operations for Battlegroup D. Cutter participated in the Second Battle of Harvest in 2531.[7] He developed a close relationship with the ship's AI, Serina, but was suspicious as to the presence of Professor Anders, suspecting that there was more to her than met the eye.[8] After making a log on the "five years of hell" that led to the reclamation of the planet[9], Cutter and his ship still remained within the system, Cutter believing that although Harvest had been reclaimed by the UNSC, it was unlikely that the Covenant would simply back down. His belief was vindicated in a sense, considering that Sergeant Forge alerted Cutter that the Covenant had uncovered something in the planet's northern polar region, with Professor Anders giving further proof of this claim. Cutter thus ordered that Alpha Base be brought online and the site be taken.[10] In the aftermath of the Harvest 'field trip', Cutter's level of trust towards Anders increased, impressed by the bravery she'd demonstrated down on the planet.[8]

In-Game Information


  • Leader Power - MAC Blast.
  • Unique Unit - Elephant.


  • Base Bonus - Base starts as Fortress.
  • Super Unit - ODST.


  • Captain Cutter is the only person in Halo Wars that can order a Behemoth-class Troop Transport to be transported down to the combat zone, as well as being able to initiate Magnetic Accelerator Cannon strikes.
  • Captain Cutter's voice actor is Michael Gough, who voiced Private Anthony Carmine in Gears of War, Private Benjamin Carmine in Gears of War 2 and Captain Price in the Call of Duty series.[11]
  • Cutter's original concept art closely resembles Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars universe, played by Ian McDiarmid.[12]
  • In skirmish mode, Cutter's unique upgrade is to make ODST's who are tougher than normal marines and can be deployed anywhere on the map.

