
Under Cover of Night

Revision as of 17:40, December 6, 2009 by Lehnaru (talk | contribs)

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Under Cover of Night is a piece included in the Halo: Original Soundtrack.


It is heard in almost every level of Halo: Combat Evolved, starting with Halo. The song is played near the underground Forerunner base on Halo, near the beginning of the level Truth and Reconciliation after the first sniping part, the part of the Silent Cartographer where the player comes to the Cartographer building for the second time, the Assault on the Control Room when wandering through the innards of Halo, the end of 343 Guilty Spark (Level), certain points in The Library, near the end of the level Two Betrayals, at the start of the Final Run chapter, and in Keyes, while outside the ship.

Other Appearances

It inspired In Amber Clad in the Halo 2 Soundtrack and was remade as part of Brutes and Halo Reborn in the Halo 3 Soundtrack. It was also remade as the first part of Follow our Brothers, heard during the last cut scene of Floodgate, and the second part of Delta Halo Suite, heard during the cutscene at the beginning of Regret. It is interesting to note the length of this piece: 3:43, like 343 Guilty Spark.


  • It is also an Easter Egg in Halo 3 on the map High Ground. It is sometimes heard playing from the radio at the large base.

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