Template:Character Infobox

Dahlia: "Who is this Thars anyway?"
Jat: "The enemy you should fear. One of my kind who thinks humans are..."
Dahlia: "Inferior?"
Jat: "Worms."
Dahlia asks Jat about Thars.[1]

Thars is a Sangheili that rose to power recently as of 2558 and amassed a following on Carrow, a planet jointly-occupied by Sangheili and humans. Masov Oasis, in particular, is controlled by those loyal to him. Isolated hostilities between his followers and the Carrow militia broke out in July of 2558.[1]

Thars despises humans as nishum and is opposed to any efforts made toward peace with them. Standing in contrast to this position is Rojka 'Kasaan, who led the first Sangheili to Carrow in the wake of the Great Schism. In his efforts toward promoting peace, Rojka had demilitarized some vehicles, such as Type-46 Spectres. Thars, upon securing some of these vehicles for himself, made sure to re-arm them.

List of appearances
