Interplanetary War

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DATE: 2160-2200

LOCATION: Solar System

Involved: United Nations, Koslovics, Frieden movement

Synopsis: As overpopulation and unrest mounted on Earth, a number of new political movements were formed, including the Koslovics and the Jovian Frieden movement (which attacked the UN Colonial Advisors on Io, one of the moons of Jupiter), and UN-sponsored military forces begin a pattern of massive buildups which cultimated in the Interplanetary War. After a successful Marine attack on Mars, recruitment drives and propaganda tactics strongly bolstered UNSC forces.[1]

Outcome: UNSC defeats the Koslovics and the Frieden movement on Earth and crushes their remnants throughout the Solar System.


The United Nations


Homeworld: Earth

Military Forces: Unknown. Likely millions of soldiers and dozens of star ships.

The Koslovics

Leader: Vladimir Koslov

Homeworld: Earth

Military Forces: Unknown. Likely thousands of volunteers.

The Frieden

Leader: Unified German Republic corporations

Homeworld: The Jovian Moons

Military Forces: Unknown. Likely thousands of volunteers.



  • The Jovian Moons Campaign. Jovian secessionist attacks on United Nations Colonial Advisors on the moon Io led to three months of fighting between the Earth military and Jovian "Frieden" forces. Though this was not the first armed conflict in our Solar System, it was easily one of the bloodiest, and is generally considered to be the spark of increased friction and militarization that followed.


  • The Rain Forest Wars. Armed conflict ripped through South America, as Koslovic, Frieden, and UN forces all clashed over ideological differences, sparking additional conflicts off-planet.


  • The Argyre Planitia Campaign on Mars. A series of lightning strikes against Koslovic forces near the Argyre Planitia mark the first extra-terrestrial deployment of Marines. The campaign is an unqualified success. As a result, future military doctrines favor large contingents of Marines for ground assaults and ship-boarding actions.


  • Recruitment drives and propaganda tactics strongly bolster UN forces. UN forces defeat Koslovic and Frieden forces on Earth, and then begin a systematic and dedicated drive to crush their remnants on the various planets they hold throughout the system. At the conclusion, Frieden and Koslovic forces are defeated, in the face of a massive, unified, and very powerful UN military, now known as the United Nations Space Command.


  • 2170 saw an unified Earth government formed in the wake of the conflicts of the 2160s. Now, the victors are forced to deal with a less obvious but equally serious threat: overpopulation and a massive military that has no enemy to fight. In the post-war period there are massive population surges and the overpopulation, coupled with the destruction and famine bred by the Rain Forest Wars, threatened to destabilize the economy.
