
Revision as of 20:11, April 21, 2007 by halowikia>James-001 (added infobox)
Biographical information

Date of birth:

Between 2549 and 2551

Date of death:




Political and military information

Spartan tag:



Petty Officer Third Class


"Sir, I think I got nicked."
— Dante's final words.

Dante was a Spartan III in Team Saber, one of the leading squads in the Gamma generation of Spartan III's. He had near magical abilities when it came to explosives[1]. He always knew when they were about to go, and when they wouldn't. He is the first casualty of Team Saber due to a combination of plasma fire and needler rounds to his side while helping Lucy drag Fred to safety, Fred having been shot by a Hunter's Fuel Rod Cannon; after covering the group's back with some explosives Dante reunites with Kurt. Standing up straight, he saluted the Lieutenant Commander. "Sir, I think I got nicked." After that Dante collapses, and his bio-signs flat-line. When Kurt checks his body he realizes several glass needlers had penetrated his torso, with ribs clearly visible[2]. They carry him into the Shield World where he is buried alongside SPARTAN-043.

