
Havana is the capital city of the Republic of Cuba on Earth.

In 2552, Havana had evolved into a large industrial city, with a large district of warehouses and facilities, most notably the Centennial Orbital Elevator, a structure called "Tallo Negro del Maiz", which is "Stalk of black corn" in Spanish.[1]

During The Second Battle of Earth, the city was just one of the Covenant's many incursion points. They attacked the city with an army of Brutes and Jackals, reinforced by Wraiths, Banshees, and Scarab walkers. They captured the elevator and began sending human weapons up the elevator to two waiting ships.[2]

During the Battle of Havana, SPARTAN-104, SPARTAN-043, and SPARTAN-058 were sent to Havana to take back the elevator, which they succeeded in doing. However they detonated a nuclear warhead at the top, destroying the elevator and possibly scattering radioactive materials over Havana.[3] Havana's status is unknown, but it was under Covenant control at its last mentioning. It was probably glassed.


  1. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, Page 205
  2. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, Page 207
  3. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, Pages 212-213