
Robert McLees

Revision as of 14:07, November 23, 2009 by Tacitus (talk | contribs)


"Robt McLees is definitely the go-to guy for the gun stuff. I wanted to come up with an animation for the sniper scope, an 'idle cycle'. If you activate the scope, and then sit too long without doing anything, the animation would kick in periodically, just to keep things interesting... Simple, right?... He replied, 'No way. If you adjust your scope in the field, you're dead. Snipers don't do that. That's how detailed his weapon designs are -- not just guns, but how they work, and how a sniper would fire them. Amazing."
William O'Brien, commenting on McLees' weapon designs

Robert McLees, or known to many as Robt McLees is an artist and weapons designer at Bungie. His main job for Halo 2 was designing weapons. He understood what every single button, knob, or tab on a weapon would work and function. However, according to one Bungie Weekly Update [1] he has switched away from art and has mainly written for Halo 3. He is also Bungie's keeper of the Halo Story Bible. [2]

McLees will also be writing a portion of Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe.



  1. ^ Bungie Weekly Update
  2. ^ - Bungie Weekly Update

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