Template:Character Infobox

Nairn is a member of the Venezian militia.


Prior to joining the militia on Venezia, Nairn served as a corporal in the Reach militia. He left many years before the Fall of Reach, this did not stop him from holding a grudge against the Covenant since he had left many friends on Reach.[1] In April 2553 Nairn met Vasily Beloi and Naomi-010, who were in disguise as deserters. He started talking to Naomi, ignoring Vaz. When Vaz told him they were ex-military, Nairn gave them a card for free drinks and told them to come by the militia barracks and ask for him.[2]

List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: Mortal Dictata, page 147
  2. ^ Halo: Mortal Dictata - Chapter 3