Ontom is a Sangheili state on Sanghelios.[1]


Ontom was a very old and wealthy state on Sangheilios. It was the home of the Servants of Abiding Truth. Before the Sangheili joined the San 'Shyuum the Servants had a temple there, which they were allowed to keep after the Covenant was formed. The state's architecture was a blend of pre-Prophet and modern-era buildings.[2] Jul ‘Mdama visited this state when he decided to join the Servants in their campaign against the Arbiter.

In March 2553, Ontom was attacked by a force of Jiralhanae. A bomb was detonated near the Servants of Abiding Truth's headquarters, killing several Sangheili and separating Evan Phillips, a human xenoanthropologist on a mission to Sanghelios, from the rest of his team. A short time after the first bombing, a group of Jiralhanae attacked again but were quickly put down by the city militia. [3] A Jiralhanae from this attack was captured and killed by a mob, but soon afterward a third attack commenced.[4]

'Ontomee, who served during the Battle of Installation 04, was from this state.

List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: Glasslands, page 135
  2. ^ Halo: Glasslands, page 136
  3. ^ Halo: The Thursday War, pages 22-23
  4. ^ Halo: The Thursday War, page 25