
Temporary Profile

Revision as of 07:50, January 4, 2012 by JackVibe (talk | contribs)

A temporary profile is used in Halo 2 and Halo 3 when players without profiles wish to play Multiplayer or the Campaign. When a player without a profile signs into a game, he or she will be asked if they would like the use a temporary profile.

Temporary profiles cannot be saved (and cannot earn any achievements in Halo 3). Temporary profiles are issued random usernames, tags, and emblems. Names include "Bozo", "Sausage" and "Caboose".


  • Rooster Teeth used the temporary profile names to create the names of the characters in Red vs. Blue.[citation needed]
  • If a profile and a temporary profile play splitscreen over Xbox Live, the temporary profile will have the same gamertag as the other profile, with a number added. If, for example, "MyGamertag" plays splitscreen with a temporary profile, the temporary profile will show up as "MyGamertag (1)".