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Alpha Canis Minoris, or Procyon.

The Procyon System, (pronounced /'proʊsɪən/) also referred to as α CMi or Alpha Canis Minoris, is a binary star system situated 11.41 light years from the Sol System. The system consists of a white main sequence star of spectral type F5 IV-V, named Procyon A, and a faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DA, named Procyon B. Its closest neighbor is Luyten's star, 1.11 ly away. It is situated five days Slipspace travel from the Epsilon Indi System. Arcadia, a UNSC colony world is located in this system.


Arcadia was invaded by the Covenant in 2531.[1] However, they left the system soon after without glassing the planet. A small number of human colonists remained on the planet, which was eventually glassed when the Covenant returned in 2549.
