Argent V missile

Revision as of 11:09, September 19, 2008 by Lt. Cronin (talk | contribs)


"These missiles are specialized to target and deliver their warhead to an aircraft with great speed and maneuverability. The missile pods are quite large and can be reloaded via a mechanical system in the Wolverine, which stores a small supply of missiles on board."
— Halo description

Argent V missiles can be used to destroy both surface and airborne targets. Though technically a strictly surface-to-air weapon, Argent V missile racks can be mounted to vehicles, thus allowing a greater range. Mendez had a rack of these missiles on his personal Warthog, back when he was a Chief Petty Officer while training the SPARTAN-II's on Reach.

The Argent V missiles are also loaded onto the MAA-9 Wolverine (MBT) anti-aircraft vehicle, and are especially effective against enemy aircraft, though they can also be used to strike ground targets and structures. [1]


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