Forum:Meet the Team?

Forums: Index Community Proposal Meet the Team?

Hey all, I was just wondering if we could do something about Halopedians, Administrators, Patrollers and the likes. My proposal is simply to create something along the lines of Team Fortress' Meet the Team presentation.

Titled "Meet the Administrators" page, the page fleshes out what is administrator (and bureaucrat) and who they are. It will also list out each administrator will have their user details highlighted in a box (like so: just an example but not the intended outcome!). The inactive and ex-administrators would be placed in the subsequent section in a normal. At the end would be the Adminship process. Same design principle will apply for the patrollers.

As for "Halopedians", in response to this, I would suggest to maintain a link to all users in this wiki via Userlist and create a small "Meet the User" section with the aforementioned design principle.

So, how 'bout it?


Truth be told, I just need more reason to code around Halopedia. But yeah, srs biz is srs. — subtank 13:45, 10 July 2015 (EDT)

Sounds like a lot of fun.Sith Venator (Dank Memes) 13:50, 10 July 2015 (EDT)
Sounds like a good idea. - NightHammer (talk) 16:29, 10 July 2015 (EDT)
No hay razón para no hacer lo. (There's no reason to not do so.) Tuckerscreator(stalk) 01:34, 12 July 2015 (EDT)
*bump* This is a great idea. Let's get it rolling.--Spartacus TalkContribs 11:39, 20 July 2015 (EDT)

So I am working on a rough draft of the new "Meet the Administrators" page here. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!--Spartacus TalkContribs 12:52, 30 July 2015 (EDT)

I like it! Are the individual paragraphs expected to be about the same length as yours, or can it vary smaller or larger? It might be helpful to write what our goals are in editing and what parts of Halo interest us. Tuckerscreator(stalk) 14:07, 30 July 2015 (EDT)
The size of the individual paragraphs can vary (images can be larger, giving more paragraph space). Since you mentioned it, I will plan on adding my goals and Halo interests at some point.--Spartacus TalkContribs 15:20, 30 July 2015 (EDT)

Just a little update. I plan on replacing the admin page with the draft I linked earlier. To the other admins, feel free to fill out your section whenever you have the time (you can choose your own image to use on the page).--Spartacus TalkContribs 12:55, 3 August 2015 (EDT)

Is there a way to allow the chart to specify image size? Because currently it appears that tall images get buried 90% behind text while wide images get inflated and dominate most of the page. Tuckerscreator(stalk) 01:52, 11 August 2015 (EDT)

I can increase the gallery height like this, where the format would still work. That or we could have an image size limit. I do prefer the former though.--Spartacus TalkContribs 16:33, 11 August 2015 (EDT)

I'd prefer the latter, either telling us what the image dimensions should be so we could crop our picture accordingly or allowing input as to image size like most pictures in articles do. The problem isn't just the image size but also how the captions get arranged often to cover up the picture. Tuckerscreator(stalk) 20:00, 12 August 2015 (EDT)

That's completely fine with me. Since the placeholder image is 400x400 pixels, I'd say images should be limited to around that size.--Spartacus TalkContribs 12:33, 14 August 2015 (EDT)
Well, Patrollers has been updated. Tabbox works in both desktop and mobile; it's tabbed in desktop and it's a header in mobile. Just a suggestion for the design. — subtank 10:03, 16 August 2015 (EDT)