Thel 'Lodamee

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Template:Covenant Character Infobox Thel 'Lodamee was a Sangheili Major in the Covenant Empire during the Human-Covenant War.[1][2]


The Package

At an unknown point in during the Human-Covenant War, 'Lodamee had risen to the rank of Major, and was stationed on a Covenant assault carrier, the flagship of a large fleet, and reported directly to its Fleetmaster. By unknown means, the fleet had captured Dr. Catherine Halsey, founder of the SPARTAN-II program, while she was in cryo-sleep. Prior to this, Thel had partaken in a battle with humans, in which his entire batallion had been killed, leaving him as the only survivor. This made him appear dishonorable in the Fleetmaster's eyes, who commented that Thel "had not the heart to die with honor." Soon after, a team of SPARTAN-IIs led by John-117 boarded the ship in order to rescue Dr. Halsey.

Seeing this as an opportunity to regain his honor, Thel went after the SPARTANs. He and two other Elites ambushed John, Kelly and Fred. Fred killed one of the Elites with a combat knife and held back Thel and the other Elite while John and Kelly continued to search for the package. Just after John found Dr. Halsey, Thel appeared and challenged John to a energy sword duel. Thel managed to gain the upper hand in the duel, and disarmed the SPARTAN. However, just as this happened, the Fleet cleared the magnetic field that had prevented them from jumping into Slipspace. The Fleetmaster separated the entire aft section of the ship and pulled Thel back to the main section just as the latter disarmed John.[2]

