Template:Weapon Infobox

The Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel (abbreviated SRS99D-S2 AM), more commonly known as the SRS99D-S2 AM Sniper Rifle or simply the Sniper Rifle is an extremely accurate anti-personnel weapon system used by the UNSC.

Hahahahahahaha Haxxxx lol lol lol lol


Main Article: Sniping

File:Sniper Scope.png
The Oracle-variant scope on the SRS99D-S2 AM.


  • On the Ark (level) try to conserve as much ammo for the fight near the downed Pelican as this can be the most difficult fight on the level, when preparing to snipe be sure to target the toughest Brute first and be sure to take him down with one shot.
  • After the Hunter encounter on The Storm (level) where you must face a hammer wielding Brute Chieftain the room to the far left contains a sniper rifle. Breaking the window will allow you to snipe Covenant forces.
  • Because the Sniper Rifle is extremely powerful, but has a small combat load, it is not good practice to use this weapon against weaker enemies (Grunts, Drones). However, the SR's penetration capabilities and superb, long range accuracy make it excellent for killing higher ranking enemies at long range, which, in turn, disorganizes and demoralizes the enemy troops, making combat against a large ground force easier.


  • Sniping is easier if you turn down your look sensitivity. Unfortunately, this makes the shotgun and other close quarters combat weapons slightly harder to use in a chaotic environment.
  • If an enemy will be very difficult to snipe, don't waste a round on them. Wait until they're an easier target, or just switch your attention to another target.
  • The Sniper Rifle shot can be used in close combat as a shield remover, followed by a melee which will kill your opponent, although this is hard, and often considered cheap.
  • If you don't feel like moving to a new position after you take a shot, you should at least find a good piece of cover.
  • Always aim your shots carefully with the sniper rifle. If you are unable to perform headshots, always aim for the body. The key to sniping is simply getting the kill not getting a headshot every time.
  • A tactic performed by professional snipers today is to move from location to location after each kill or round fired, never revealing your location.
  • If you do camp, you should have only one person guarding your back. More than one person guarding you can look like a big threat if an enemy spots all those people.
  • Another tactic is having one player with a sniper rifle and another with a close ranged weapon, the player with the close ranged weapon helps spot targets and defends the sniper from close range attacks.
  • Always carry a secondary close ranged weapon such as an Assault Rifle or SMG. Even more preferably are a shotgun or a Battle Rifle.
  • When you are in close combat with a sniper but you are in scope, a quick way to remove scope is quickly pressing the Y Button twice. This will remove your sniper rifle out of its scope. Another way is to melee, though this will leave you vunerable to nearby enemies.
  • Some players panic when they see an enemy at close range, most likely wasting ammunition. It is much easier to either run or defend. Stay calm and pull out another weapon.
  • A popular tactic is to camp and kill any enemy who attempts to obtain a power weapon by watching it with the sniper rifle. This keeps control of the more powerful weapons in the game in the hands of the player watching the weapon.
  • If aimed correctly, the sniper can deflect a rocket or grenade.
  • If you click in and hold the zoom button, when you release it you will zoom out; this works even when you zoom in once.

Changes From The SRS99C in Halo 2

  • ) Happy Face


  • Hahahahahahaha lozers lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol[1] This shot was immortilized



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