
The MLX is a civilian vehicle, like the Überchassis, seen in the Halo 2 levels Outskirts and Metropolis.

It looks like a normal car, but with the two rear tires being suspended on "legs" independent of the car, meaning the engine is likely housed in the front. It is not pilotable, but can be destroyed with sufficient weapons fire, making it a possible hazard for units within the blast radius. It appears to be a fast car, and only has two doors, the common symbol for Sport cars (Smaller, faster, lighter).

It is never seen moving (aside from the physics engine induced pushing) and so it could be anything from fast to slow, but judging from the size and look of the vehicle, one can assume it is quite fast, albeit not intended for combat and quite weak against even the lightest of weapons fire. It only takes about a clip of M7 to completely decimate the vehicle. One Easter Egg in this car is in the behind windows when be destroyed tree skulls form un the window, two seing to the middle and one se you.
