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It should be merged, because they are withint the same system. We didn't seperate the Moon from the Solar System, now did we?

Yes, we did: Luna, Sol System.-- Forerunner 23:17, October 11, 2009 (UTC)

Bungie Weekly Update 10/09/09Edit

"NAR is back. itz FanFic writes: G617 g1

Protocols require that I do not leave my place of duty. I am sorry for my absence. Your world is bigger than I anticipated. Failure to succeed my intentions is not relevant. Date is changed. My intent is still the same.

Transmission intercepted

   scanning …

Origin and content suspect.

   Querying assets [local to asserted origin]: activity level at point of origin [ref-G617]

Current activity level at G617: NIL

   Additional query: Time since last recorded activity at G617

Time since last recorded activity at G617: 879 211 021 hours 14 minutes 32 seconds

Probability transmission originated at asserted point of origin [ref-G617]: NIL

Transmission tagged and shelved [ref-anomalous/sub/falsified] "

Possible info for the new Forerunner books? -- 23:03, October 11, 2009 (UTC)

Wrong PictureEdit

G 617 g had no fauna but flora, but the planet in this picture is a huge city so its the wronge picture. G 617 g was not a industrialized world but a new undiscovered planet, why should they send a pioneer group to a industrialized world?

It must be a retcon, because G 617 g was the planet with first Flood contact was made, and first Flood contact in Origins was made on the planet in the picture, so they must be one and the same. - Halo-343 (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 15:02, January 2, 2010 (UTC)
Hmm but flood infestet forerunner ships crash landed in the video so it take place later in the war and the planet is not G 617 g.


Wait, where was it established that G617g and G617g1 were not one and the same? I've seen no reference to the latter being a moon...SPARTAN-347 23:29, 21 December 2010 (EST)