Rubble Security Council

Revision as of 00:21, September 25, 2010 by WarGrowlmon18 (talk | contribs)

Template:Ratings The Rubble Security Council were in charge of everything that went on in The Rubble.[1] There were nine council members, all of which were elected by the people of The Rubble. They played the main part in the allegiance of the Insurrectionists and the Kig-yar, and were responsible for the construction of Habitat Exodus.[2] They were welcoming to the crew of the captured UNSC ship Midsummer Night despite it technicly being an enemy ship, but placed restrictions on the crew that chose to join the Rubble. Before her brother's death, Maria Esquival seemed to act as their representative even though she wasn't a member. The Council wasn't happy with Juliana's rouge actions in aiding the Midsummer Night's crew and Gray Team and was shown to be able to block her out in a way that if she broke it, they'd notice. After Juliana, with the help of the UNSC forces, learned the Covenant's plans and informed both them and the hiding UNSC forces, the Council voted without Juliana upon the matter with Maria taking her dead brother's place, unable to vote, but able to put forth her opinion. The Council ended up voting to contact Reth to see what could be done to salvage the situation, but after it became obvious that the situation was deteorating, reluctantly decided to work with Lieutenant Jacob Keyes and his men to stop the Covenant. The Council returned the repaired Midsummer Night and her crew to Keyes and ordered an evacuation to Habitat Exodus. After the Battle of Metisette in which the Midsummer Night and most of the Rubble, piloted by Juliana destroyed the Redoubt, the Council planned to head for uncharted space with the Exodus while ordering the Rubble Defense Force to protect Exodus from invaders. After learning that Exodus couldn't make it that far on the engines they could bring online in time (and as it turned out wouldn't have made it that far anyway), they voted before being contacted by Keyes and decided to head for a UNSC Inner Colony world escorted by the Midsummer Night. After making it there just before Exodus fell apart, and being settled into the UNSC population, the Council disbanded.

