
A Legion is a division of Sangheili warriors of the Covenant. a Legion equals about 100 soldiers or more, they are likely led by a Zealot or Ultra grade Sangheili Field Master or some other high positioned officer.


The responsibilities of a legion seem to vary. They are capable of performing tasks ranging from working as the bridge crew of Covenant starships to engaging in ground combat. [1] The violent nature of Elite society likely demands that Legions be capable of engaging in combat in very numerous ways.

Warrior Crèche

A Warrior Crèche is likely a type of legion where newer warriors hone their combat skills before being assigned to a regular legion. Warrior crèches seem to be specifically used for ground combat, and are carried aboard covenant Fleets should any ground actions be needed. [2]

Known Legions

Combat Legions

Warrior Crèches

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