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"Sir, I think I got nicked."
— Dante's final words.

Dante was a Spartan III in Team Saber, one of the leading squads in the Gamma generation of Spartan III's. He had near magical abilities when it came to explosives. He always knew when they were about to go, and when they wouldn't. He is the first casualty of Team Saber due to a combination of plasma fire and needler rounds to his side while helping Lucy drag Fred to safety who had been shot by a Hunter's Fuel Rod Gun, after covering the group's back with some explosives Dante reunites with Kurt. Standing up straight, he saluted the Lieutenant Commander. "Sir, I think I got nicked." After that Dante collapses, and his bio-signs flat-line. When Kurt checks his body he realizes several glass needlers had penetrated his ribs. They carry him into the Shield World where he is buried alongside SPARTAN-043.
