This page, "Yasmine Zaman", has been nominated for deletion. The reason given was: "I Love Bees" is fan fiction, and all related aticles are being deleted. For why, see Halopedia: Standards. If you disagree, state your reasoning on its talk page.
  • Name: Yasmine Zaman
  • Tag: Unknown
  • Rank: Unknown
  • Spartan Class: Class 2: 2536
  • Planet of Origin: Coral
  • Current Status: Dead


Originally from Coral, Yasmine was conscripted into the SPARTAN-III program at age six, in 2531. She "washed out" and died during the Spartan augmentation procedures. Her brother, Kamal Zaman was highly affected by the death of her Flash-Clone and decided to become a doctor because of it. The I Love Bees AI Melissa was created from her brain.

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