Kalmiya was a "smart" AI created by Dr. Catherine Halsey of the UNSC in 2552. She served as a prototype program for counterinsurgency routines and software that would later be put into the specialized AI, Cortana. In a sense, Kalmiya was Cortana's older "sister." [1]

UNSC protocol demands that prototypes such as Kalmiya must be destroyed promptly after their material goes into general use. Dr. Halsey promptly disobeyed this order. She kept Kalmiya around, likely because her previous AI, Deja, appears to have been reassigned.[2]

Kalmiya resided in Halsey's office in ONI's CASTLE Base. She was left there with Dr. Halsey during The Battle of Reach, and proved very useful in helping Halsey and her Spartans escape the facility.

She was somewhat disturbed, though when Dr. Halsey used a hidden fail-safe to destroy Col. Ackerson's personal AI Araquiel, she asks if her own code included such a fail-safe. Kalmiya had to be destroyed as part of Operation: WHITE GLOVE to prevent the Covenant from collecting any information in the base. Dr. Halsey activated the fail safe in her Riemann Matrix, saying that not every AI has such a fail-safe, only the ones that matter.[3]
