Forum:Halopedia vote for Halo Nation to join us

Forums: Index Community Proposal Halopedia vote for Halo Nation to join us

Forum:Halopedia vote for Halo Nation to join us/Main

Community Votes

Please vote here!

Support (11/11) Sysop

Please use "#  Support -" if you support this

  1.   Support - This is wonderful news. We need to be united. This news should be spread on Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.TheEld (talk) 13:32, 7 January 2019 (EST)TheEld
  2.   Support - I spent a lot of my youth on Halopedia. Our contributors fortunately offered me the opportunity for me to lead and more intimately curate the wiki. I’m still salty that Wikia forced our hand, splitting the project into competing communities. Halopedia’s split played a large part in a lot of old timers reducing their commitment or entirely quitting wiki curation. I’ve lost touch with so many good friends from our shared youth. I wish we could’ve done better for y’all. Helianthus All right. Shoot!

Neutral (0/0) Sysop

Please use "#  Neutral -" if you are neutral to this

Against (0/0) Sysop

Please use "#  Oppose -" if you are opposed to this

Comments and suggestions

Please put any comments or suggestions for this here.CIA391 (talk) 10:10, 21 October 2018 (EDT)