

"The Barracks trains the bulk of the UNSC infantry units. Infantry technology upgrades can also be found here."
— In-game description

The UNSC Barracks is a military building produced off of a Firebase in the game Halo Wars. It is the building where you recruit and station infantry. This is a common structure used in many other strategy games. Here, you can recruit the Spartans from Spartan Group Omega, regular Marines, and Flamethrower Marines (also called "Hellbringers"). It also serves as a place to acquire the Medic and Rocket Launcher upgrades for your infantry. It costs 150 resource points and requires 0 energy units.

According to halowars.com:

This is no UNSC academy. The Barracks is a rustic shack compared to the comforts of a real training center, but then again a Marine in the field isn’t generally thinking about creature comforts. They make you soft. The Barracks simply houses the raw recruits and equipment needed to field squads of UNSC Marines. A quick briefing, visit to the armory, and you’ve got boots on the ground.[1]

The Covenant equivalent to the Barracks is the Hall.

Units Produced and Available Upgrades

  • Spartans  : 300 resources and tech level of 1. Only 3 can be deployed but they don't take up population. 
    • Chaingun : 300 resources and tech level of 2.  Equips an AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun.
    • Neural Implant : 600 resources and tech level of 3. Allows Spartans to jack enemy vehicles quicker.
    • Spartan Laser : 1,000 resources and tech level of 4.
  • Marines : 100 resources and tech level of 0. Takes up one population.  
    • New Blood : 200 resources and tech level of 1. Adds another Marine making it 5 marines in the squad.
    • RPG Ability : 400 resources and tech level of 2. Special ability is improved from grenades to a M19 SSM Rocket Launcher.
    • Medic : 700 resources and tech level of 3.
    • Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (only for Captain Cutter) : 1,000 resources and tech level of 3.
  • Hellbringers  : 100 resources and tech level of 0. Takes up one population. 
    • Flash Bang : 200 resources and tech level of 1. Equips the M301 40mm Grenade Launcher that stuns enemies as a special attack.
    • Napalm Adherent : 400 resources and tech level of 2. Adds burning sticky napalm to an attack.
    • Oxide Tank : 700 resources and tech level of 3. Increases damage.
