Rusty-112's board-to-board with Dab1001

Showing messages 1-5 of 5 messages. Board-to-board
posted 4 years ago

Hey Rusty,

I just made a proposal for a big gameplay-related project over on the forums. If you've got the time to read through it (it's pretty lengthy), I'd appreciate your feedback. No pressure, though, if you don't have the time to spare - just be aware that the change may be coming if the community supports it. The TL;DR is that I want to make pages such as "Sniper rifle" and "Rocket launcher" into primarily gameplay-related articles rather than disambiguation pages, and move all the gameplay stuff off of the other articles like SRS99C-S2 AM and M41 SPNKr. Let me know what you think.


Dab1001's user page Dab1001 (talkcontributions) This user is an admin on Halopedia.

posted 4 years ago

No problem! The links should be sorted shortly.

posted 4 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. I unfortunately haven't had the time to engage with the community aspects of the wiki as much as I'd like, but I wanted to make sure there was consensus on this, and that the link changes hadn't been forgotten.

posted 4 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the congratulations. I really appreciated your support in the vote :)

Regarding the level page renames, I did discuss it quite a bit beforehand with a bunch of people on the Discord, including CIA, BaconShelf and CMDR RileySV. Apologies for leaving you out of the loop. Next time I do anything major like this, I'll be sure to make a post about it on the forums so people who don't frequent the Discord can still voice their thoughts.

Anyhow, to explain further, the basic idea was to make sure that whatever people are most likely to be searching for is what takes precedence, to make navigating the site easier. For the most part, this is pretty easy to judge - people are more likely to be looking for the level Tayari Plaza than the location Tayari Plaza, for instance. In cases where it's more tricky to judge, I discussed it with the folks in the Discord, and in some cases we used the site's Google Analytics statistics to inform our decision. For instance, for the example given by the MoS (Long Night of Solace), the ship page received 1,519 unique page views over the last 30 days compared to only 408 for the level. The New Alexandria case was a lot more difficult to call, with 571 views of the location page compared to 474 for the level - which I treated as within the margin of error (given that some of the location page's views are likely to have come from people who were originally looking for the level). We discussed it on the Discord, and came to the decision to prioritise the level page. This case was probably the closest to call out of all of the ones that were renamed, though, and a case could certainly be made that we should make the plain "New Alexandria" page into a disambig instead. If you would prefer that, let me know and I'll go ahead and do it.

Also, with regards to the Manual of Style, I think it could use some updating in this regard. I believe that we should be prioritising the page that is more notable all of the time, not just when it's "considerably more notable" than the universe article. This change in general would result in a better experience for our readership, IMO. I'll bring this up with the other staff on the Discord and see what they think. What would your opinion be on such a change?

Lastly, BaconShelf offered to handle the link changes with his bot, rather than me having to do them all by hand. He's currently gotten up to Halo 3. I've had a bit of PC troubles lately, so I've been unable to pitch in with my bot, but once I can get AWB up and running on my laptop, I'll start helping out as well. We should have all the links cleaned up quickly.

Looking back, I just realised I've written a huge text wall. Sorry about that xD


posted 4 years ago

Hi Dab1001, congrats on being voted an Administrator! I just wanted to discuss your project of renaming levels and location pages, and ask whether you'd discussed this with any of the other Admins before going ahead on it. The Manual of Style states that the in-universe subject should take precedence unless the real-world version is "considerably more notable". What that means isn't defined, but the example given is Long Night of Solace, with the ship taking precedence over the level. Yet you've already gone ahead and moved New Alexandria, which I would argue is on the same level of notability. For those pages that have been discussed and approved, or which are clearly much more notable (i.e. Kizingo Boulevard), remember to update the links to those pages. Right now, all of the links that are supposed to be leading to the location pages are going to the level pages, while the new location pages are orphans with no other pages linking to them.