
This page, "Überchassis", has been nominated for deletion. The reason given was: of course this is halo related but common I would only see this once and I MEAN ONCEE!!!!. If you disagree, state your reasoning on its talk page.


The Überchassis modded to be able to be driven

Überchassis is the name given to the car that is sitting on the pedestal in the offensive base of Terminal. It can also be seen in various places in Outskirts and Metropolis.

Über, is German for over or about, and chassis comes from the Latin word for case, so a direct translation for Überchassis would be "over case". The word Über has become frequently used in non-German popular expressions, such as "Über-Trick" from the SSX game series, to describe something that is awesome, or similar.

It is similar in size and function to the MLX, albeit seen more frequently.