Nightblade's board

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posted 12 years ago

Well, I have my operation on monday, I'm working on my personal statement for uni, been looking at different Uni's and been spending lots of time on facebook. How about you? Oh, and thanks for saying you'll wait. Thats very nice of you.

posted 12 years ago

I haven't seen them yet. I probably won't have CEA until Christmas. So, I have a bit of a wait before I can watch them, but I take from your reaction that their good?

posted 12 years ago

Ah, I can understand how that would be useful. I'm still not sure that joining facebook was a good decision. There have been too many 'problems' shall we say with the site for me to trust it. Still it is a great way to communicate with my friends.

So how was your day?

posted 12 years ago

I like them too! What about Brutes? They are pretty stupid but a giant hammer is an awesome weapon no? Also what do you think of facebook?

posted 12 years ago

I am not sure, probably both I would imagine. I don't watch spike tv I'm afraid instead I rely on youtube and other sites for info.

It might be your tv or a connection problem. I don't know.

posted 12 years ago

I'm cool, just chilling mostly. Looking for work and sorting out my personal statement for Uni, other than that just enjoying each day as it comes. How about you? School alright?

I personally want to see a proper trailer for Halo 4 or a Vidoc, I'm hoping they release something at the VGA in December.

Anyway, have a good one.

posted 12 years ago

Right on! I can't believe any one said that. Halo defined and changed the nature of FPS, how could anyone that Halo hasn't had an impact on the gaming industry? Well if they have, you can at least create a sub page and express that view. Halo 4 is going to epic and it will be a game changer mark my words-Next year is going to be big.

posted 12 years ago

Happy Halloween to you too!

posted 12 years ago

LoL the Elite who was afraid of his own shadow. ROFL. I liked the noob impersonation,i have actually encountered someone who said that to me in a match.

Yep extra hours of darkness are always a plus- especially if your a vampire or a teenager. Sometimes the two seem very alike LoL. Well good luck with school and power through it man! Those teachers have nothing on you. Pep talk over.

See you on the other side.

posted 12 years ago

I know man, I know. Those last two were awesome and rumor has it that he and 343i have been having some chats together lately, but thats just rumor. It's good definitely but I'm not sure it would half the sales of reach, after all it sold more games than even Halo 3 did on Launch day. But yeah if it was turned into a novel or a graphic novel I'm sure it would do well. So how's the week been?

posted 12 years ago

Thank you! Well it sounds like everything going pretty normally for you and thats a good thing. Ah, so Levi is continuing a Fistful of Arrows? I can't wait to see what else he does, the man's skill is amazing. Hmm, seems like the crew really was unaware that Reach was under attack. That's got a be one heck of a PR and misinformation campaign on ONI's part, I mean keeping the rest of the planet unaware that the other half was getting it's butt kicked by aliens.

True, I will have Anniversary to keep me occupied whilst my leg heals, I look forward to playing as the Chief again. It's been far too long.

Anyway , Have a good week.

posted 12 years ago

Depends on what you mean by new. Are you referring to the UK as whole or just to me?

posted 12 years ago

Oh the for the background screen? I like the Halo 4 image with the dawn falling into the tunnel. I don't which number it was, which one is 19?

posted 12 years ago

They did and it failed. They and Reach got burned for it, ONI deliberately lowered Reach's defenses in order to lure in large Covenant warships such as assault carriers and the super-carriers like the Long Night OF Solace to be captured by the Spartans and then sent to find High Charity and capture a High Prophet.

Unfortunately they miss-calculated the number of Covenant ships and reach got overwhelmed as a result. On the last day of the month long battle over 300 Covenant ships showed up and the grand total their ships at Reach was over 700. It was just sheer numbers and ONI's risk taking that caused it all to fall apart. That's what happened mate.

posted 12 years ago

LoL, that picture captures everything Halo is- glorious violence and insanity! ah shame about the laptop, I hope you can fix it. Good to know your Ok, yeah Anniversary can't really compare with Halo 4 but it will still be a great game. Why can't you play it? is it not coming out in Bulgaria? Oh yeah Flood Buddy, yeah that will be cool.

Wow! seriously is that fact? awesome we may finally have a halo film, I hope it sticks to the canon and doesn't take too many liberties. How's today been?

posted 12 years ago

Well I am looking for jobs and work. I have been looking at Universities and courses, to see if I can find anything I like. I've been chilling out with friends and family, playing xbox and stuff. So normal stuff, what about you? how are things in Bulgaria? Just one more month until Anniversary is out! Are you excited about it coming out? I hope the game is good, looking forward to fighting the flood again.

So how is life for you? anything interesting going on? is school going Ok? sorry about the long absence but I've been busy doing all the stuff above and haven't found time to come back.

posted 12 years ago

A new Shield world? Has this got something to do with Sigma 7 or is it something else? Oh yeah the New halo 4 trailer is on at youtube, it's a concept trailer and it's got some really cool pictures. How are you doing? Your back at school now aren't you? how's that going?

posted 12 years ago

Huh I'll bet. Oh so a third terminal has been shown then? I don't thin Emile says that, I think it was just an ODST, the guy said that he should be doing some more in a few weeks but he also said that he won't go into First Strike territory. For canon and copyright reasons, yeah I've been fine just slowly getting together all the stuff I need. So my job applications, bus pass, prove of disability and just normal medicines, which are all proving to be quite a hassle to sort out but I'm getting there. What about you?

Oh wow really? YES! Barney's getting Married everybody! wait what happened to him being single forever? and more importantly who is he marrying? Is it Robin?

Well hope things are Ok on your end and take it easy on Laptop, you don't want it to overheat now would you? LoL look after yourself.

See ya.

posted 12 years ago

Thanks, LoL what did you do to it this time? yeah I know surprise right? yeah you should check out the comic. so how have you been?. The 2nd terminal is very interesting when you cross-reference it.

posted 12 years ago

No worries, I found your impression amusing. That is interesting, one of the more common theories about the Halo's and which is confirmed in part by Halo: Cryptum is that they were original made to be able to support life just like the Ark. Before they were turned into Fortress worlds and death machines, the Librarian used them to transport entire civilizations across galaxy. So it would make some sense for them to be around a similar size to the average planet.

LoL your enthusiasm and loyalty to Halo inspires me. So is this the latest info then? Have you checked out Terminal 2 yet? if not you should check it out, it has some surprising revelations about Installation 04 aka Halo. Waypoint is a great site don't you think? Also I found this awesome comic about Jun and Reach called a Fistful of Arrows, it's made by a guy called Levi. You can find it on deviant art or Check it out mate, it will blow your mind.

So how are you doing? I guess your back at school now right? or are you looking for work like me? Anyway peace out.

posted 12 years ago

Awesome! I would love to do that, what's their website address? Yeah so am I, Halo Fest is going to be sick! I'm good and the riots are over, I think people are coming to their senses now. I am doing Ok just enjoying the last of the Summer holidays as best as I can. What about you?

Yeah once Steam starts working again, you and me can play together.

posted 12 years ago

LoL I can see why, thanks for the pie by the way it was very nice of you. So how are you doing buddy? just 8 more days to Halo Fest, are you excited?

posted 12 years ago

Thank you and I hope so too. Indeed, though the rioters don't have much of a base of support as they are attacking anyone and everyone but last thing we need right now is a civil war. But I highly doubt it will go that far. Thanks again, It's nice to know that people care.

So what are you doing today?

posted 12 years ago

I know, thing is it's not just London but Birmingham-where I live, Manchester, Bristol, Nottingham, Liverpool all of the big cities have been hit by huge riots and looting. It's crazy they "the rioters" have burned shops and buildings down, robbed loads of places and the police are stretched to breaking point. Even Cameron our Prime Minister cut short his holiday to come home early, apparently there's talk of bringing in the Army. It's getting that bad. It all started on Saturday when some poor guy got shot by police and then the peaceful protest just blew up into a firestorm literally.

Parts of London look like the Blitz have started again, I'm not exaggerating. It's bad, really bad at the moment.

posted 12 years ago

Riots. Big, Really big Riots. haven't you seen it on the news? i would of thought that London burning would be big news.