Forum:So what am I supposed to think of the ancient human empire?

Forums: Index General Discussion So what am I supposed to think of the ancient human empire?

So, I think I remember in some thing maybe from the page on this site or something for Cryptum maybe that seemed to suggest that the ancient humans were sort of bad guys, but then some of the more recent stuff comes along about them bravely fighting the flood, and that the forerunner worlds they destroyed were destroyed because there were flood infestations... so instead of just reading this wiki or getting the books, I figured I'd go the easy route and just ask you guys to tell me what I'm supposed to think. Plus, it might get a good discussion going. Always use the DMR. This is craZboy557, signing off. 04:03, 19 March 2013 (EDT)

I think the best term for them is "Desperate." Missing Mandible (talk) 12:16, 19 March 2013 (EDT)
Do you think we're supposed to view them as good though? Always use the DMR. This is craZboy557, signing off. 12:27, 22 March 2013 (EDT)
The biggest problem I see with labeling Ancient Humanity as "Good" or "Bad" is that the only real evidence we have comes from the very enemies that wiped nearly all traces of their existence from the galaxy. All of that evidence which remains has been filtered down to us through the Forerunners, whose memories and opinions are biased by their recollections of the Human-Forerunner War. The problem with recorded history is that opinion all too often plays more of a role in what is said than fact. A couple of examples: If you go to New York City & ask someone about Sherman's March to the Sea, you're likely to hear (assuming they've ever cracked open a book) that it was one of the most decisive campaigns waged to break the back of the Confederacy in the Civil War. If you ask the same question in Savannah, GA, you're just as likely to learn that it was one of the bloodiest acts of barbarism ever perpetrated by Union forces during the War of Northern Agression. It's almost as if you're hearing about 2 entirely different wars. Another example (and one that I find especially frustrating) is the fact that none of the history books in our schools mention the fact that the US once invaded Russia. Why? Because we lost. The fact that the Forerunners were capable of accurately recording history down to the last subatomic detail doesn't mean that they would bother doing so... Let's face it, their track record in that regard is less than stellar. The simple truth of the matter is that the Human Empire may have been everything it was portrayed to be, or it could have been the tragic hero in a lost cause against an unbeatable foe, or (most likely) somewhere in between: Full of nobility, yet riddled with flaws, like all sentient life... Unfortunately, we'll never know because too much of its existence was wiped away by the Forerunners. - DJenser (talk) 13:17, 22 March 2013 (EDT)
Good statement on American society concerning war. But I'm betting all is not lost. The Domain would have certainly catalogued recorded ancient Human history from captured databanks and events throughout the conflict. Plus its impartial, well kinda, so that's neato. Grizzlei
Yeah, that's true given what we now know about the Domain... I just hope there's enough of it left to allow it to be Reclaimed... say, in future installments of the game... Foreshadowing? Bet on it... - DJenser (talk) 14:05, 22 March 2013 (EDT)

I haven't read Silentium yet, so I'm probably not up to date on the human-forerunner war, but from the other books I read, it seems that even the Forerunners admitted in the end that Humanity was at the very least justified in its actions. Weeping Angel (talk) 12:44, 23 March 2013 (EDT)