Template:Ratings Design seeds were pieces of technology used by Forerunner Builders to encode data that would be used to quickly assemble a machine at the appropriate time. The Librarian somehow acquired a design seed that was placed in the Didact's Cryptum on Erde-Tyrene, which then gave birth to a large ship for his escape.[1]

Design and Operation

A design seed is a large octagonal platform surrounded by eight curved pillars. When the machine is activated, these pillars rotate around the central platform. As they spin, they project hard-light components, which use raw materials obtained on-site and reconstitute them into the alloys and components needed to build a ship or other machine. The construction process is extraordinarily rapid; the Didact's ship was approximately one kilometer long, and yet the entire vessel was materialized within a matter of minutes.

List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: Cryptum, page 98