AIE-486H machine gun


The Machinegun Turret is a special weapon used by the United Nations Space Command.


The Machinegun Turret is a automatic portable machine gun. In stationary mode it can be used as a stationary turret with a deployed tripod. It can also be ripped off and become a portable turret which you carry using two hands.


Its an automatic fire weapon, and starts out with an ammo capacity or 200 rounds. It is set up in certain areas at the beginning of the game in stationary mode.

Once on it, you can press "B" to detach turret and use it as a chaingun. Once detached, the turret will appear in a "third-person view" which will make the player using the weapon less accurate and slower.

The only spawns so far that this turret shows up at is in the middle of Valhalla and above the gate on High Ground.


File:Halo3 High-Ground-1stperson-01med.jpg
HUD Screenshot of a Spartan wielding the Machinegun Turret in Halo 3.

At first when the Machinegun turret was first seen in the Halo 3 Multiplayer ViDoc, it was thought as a M41 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun dismounted from a Warthog. In reality, this weapon is more similar to the M247 GP Machine Gun from Halo 2 which was only featured in Campaign.


  • This is one of two current "third-person view" weapons. The other is the Missile Pod.