The forerunners

The forerunners are very interesting in many ways, but they have many mysteries (as we all know). Their appearance is the number one thing that I am working on. People always say, "The Forerunners appearance will never be revealed !!!" But I am working on a real life experience project called operation Forerunner. All I have so far is some info on there background and appearance. The forerunners were currently alive in 97448 BC. I also have a hand... a forerunner hand that I have sketched onto a lined piece of paper. The six finger idea came from the idea of the forerunner hand print on the level, Sacred icon.

'"Note: in the last mission on Halo 3 (Halo) in the cut scene before fighting the Monitor, 343 Guilty Spark says to the Master Chief "You are the child of my makers. Inheritor of all they left behind. You are Forerunner." This has led to many fans concluding that Humanity and the Forerunner are one and the same, and various passages from the books support this. Another strong indicator is that Humans can activate and use Forerunner technology without dissecting and reverse engineering it. However the Terminals suggest that the "Librarian" was on the Earth with early modern humans 100,000 years ago. This is also made more obvious by the fact that a portal was built in East Africa to allow humans to reach the Ark. It is suggested that humans were considered to be "special" and we were decided to be the "inheritors of all they left behind."'

However, in the Halo 3 IRIS Videos (Didact's last transition) He states that "They (Humanity) may hold the answer to our own mysteries." This could support a theory that the Humans are the Precursors and that the Precursors and the Forerunner are in-fact the same. Or that they are Forerunners who somehow escaped the notice of the Precursors and were therefore not given the mantle.

There are also multiple quotes supporting the theory that Humanity is in-fact Forerunner. Guilty Spark:" You are the child of my makers. Inheritor of all they left behind, you are Forerunner." Guilty Spark:" Last time you asked me: If it were my choice, would I do it? Having had significant time to ponder your query, my answer has not changed. We must activate the rings." (Refers to Spark believing that Master Chief is Didact, who theoretically asked for the opinions of the Monitors before array activation. This is also supported by the quote "How can you hesitate to do what you have already done?"

Prophet of Truth: "I see now, why they left you were weak and Gods must be strong!"

The Gravemind: ”I offer no forgiveness for a father's sins, passed to his sons."

Wow... thats good... plus with the novel trilogy coming out, your operation will be a success, and to help you with this is my thoughts. I think that Master Chief is a Forerunner, not like Rreclamer wise because Humans were special to the Forerunners because they had the same hands (I think Forerunners were Humans, but they evolved on another planet, not earth, same with the Precursor, on the same planet, but I think the Forerunners evolved from the Precursors, which would explains why the Didact wanted to "follow in their footsteps" (I think), but anyways, I don't think nether were the reason of Humans on Earth) and that is why Humans were known as Reclamers, but they wern't desendantes of Forerunners, but they could acsuss Forerunner tech. that needed Forerunner hand prints. But this is also how the Forerunners were able to seperate other Alians (which they called medlers) from Humans. But anyways, I think the Forerunners Librarian and Didact mated and the Librarian was pregnant and gave birth to twins on Earth. Then the Librarian deid of an unknown sickness some years later and the twins (one boy and one girl) went there seperat ways and left Africa and mated with other Humans in Europe and gave birth to one baby for both. Then tose Twins died of an unknown sickness(probebly the same one their mother, the Librarian, died of), and their generation continued, and one gereration of both went to the planet Master Chief was born on (because he was not born on Earth, but I forget the name of his home planet) at the same time and continued the generation on that planet. Then we come to 2511, when the curant generation of both twins met, a man and a woman, and they got married and gave birth to a boy named John(Master Chief Xb). Now the twins were 100% Forerunner, but their childean and other generations were half Forerunner. You have to be 100% Forerunner to be a real Forerunner, half dose not count. So, Master Chief is 100% Forerunner and is a real and the last Forerunner. That may explan why 343 Guilty Spark mistakened Master Chief as the Didact in Halo, because Master Chief is the decendent of the Didact, and Spark some how knew of it, and told him that he IS a Forerunner in Halo 3. I also think that N'chala from Halo 3: The Cradle of Life met the Librarian when she isolated herself on Earth and stayed in his village, but this, plus my thoughts, and yours will offically be confirmed in the Novel trilogy. I hope my thoughts will help your operation. :) - Anonnimous 3:13, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

...You really thought that one over, didn't you?

Yeah. But one thing I forgot to add. The Forerunner hand in Halo 2, that I am not sure about because Halo Wars confused me. I thought that the spere needed Forerunner hand prints to activate it and that Human hands and Forerunner hands are the same, but then I looked it up on here and it said that it was wating for a RECLAMER to activate it. So the Forerunners reprogramed it, if there hands are as the one in Halo 2 because I am still not sure about it, but novel trilogy should reveale the truth. - Anonnimous 11:35, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

It's kind of hard to tell what exactly you are trying to say. First of all John may have been born on another planet, but his ancestors were most definitely Earthling (why he is in the UNSC and human). Also, Miranda Keyes is identified as Reclaimer (as are most humans, at least at first). Then their is the link between the Ark and Earth: in Africa(the uncontested birthplace of man-kind) there is a direct link by slip-space portal to the Ark, the central installation for controlling the Flood, which indicates that after the Flood had starved, Forerunners living in the Ark began to return to the world with all now unusable do to the lack of knowledge on how to use it so they had to re adapt to life. Also, the war makes a whole lot more sense if Humans are in fact forerunner. The Prophets(specifically Truth), realizing that the continued existance of the ones that they call "Gods," jeapordizes their place of authority at the top of the Covenant. It also helps explain how Regret found Earth while not expecting humans to be there (especially over Africa). He was looking for the Ark and was not considered important enough by truth to know that humans were Forerunner.--Werefang 17:24, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

I see your point, but the Forerunner Librarian was on Earth and was not in the Forerunner's sacrefic, plus, I still think that she and Didact mated, with her having twins on Earth (maybe having N'chala act as their grandfather if N'chala met the Librarian, which I think they did). Plus they could not trase back ancestors from 97448 BC. Now the prophets predictio of Humans being Forerunners was wrong. 032 Medicant Bias was not spusific enuff in Halo: Contact Harvest. Now I hope this will not cunfuse you no more, Werefang. Now were did you get Miranda Keyes from because I did not menton her in the first one. - Anonnimous 11:27, 14 July 2009

Holy Shit man, you can write. Anyway, how would two part-Forunners mating make a 100% forunner baby? That doesn't add up, First born would be 100%, children 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125, 1.5625, 0.78125, 0.390625, and that's only 9 generations, it was over 2552+B.C.+time on the Ark, the numbers would be totally insignificant by now, er then. Everything else pretty much makes sense.--Kre 'Nunumee 06:28, 30 August 2009 (UTC) the

Thanks, man. Now to answer your question, this is just a theory, but a very likely one. The novel trilogy should confirm the truth. Sorry for the long delay. - Anonnimous 3:10, 15 September 2009 (UTC)

Strange Forerunner symbol

The symbol behind Guilty Spark's eye
The symbol on top of Guilty Spark's head
The symbol in the terminals and on the cover of Ghosts of Onyx

I first noticed that this symbol was seen on the front cover of Ghosts of Onyx. In the book it is described as the symbol for Shield World. Then I noticed that it is seen in the terminals in Halo 3. Then it is also seen on top of 343 Guilty Spark's "head." AND, if you look closely, it is behind the Marathon symbol on Guilty Spark. Does anybody know what the symbol means? User: AdjutantBias

That is accully the main emblem of the Forerunners. It is also seen in Halo and Halo 2. - anonnomus 9:49, 19 June 2009 (UTC)