Battle of Installation 05

Template:Infobox Military Conflicts



LOCATION: Installation 05

Involved: UNSC, Covenant, Flood, and Forerunner construct forces.

Synopsis: For the second time, the four factions met in battle over one of the Forerunner Halos. This time, however, it appears the Flood have the upper hand.

Outcome: Unknown

Military Forces


Commander: Commander Miranda Keyes

1 UNSC Frigate: (The UNSC In Amber Clad)

Elements of the 7th Orbital Drop Shock Trooper Division and the 405th Marine Infantry Division

1 Spartan supersoldier: SPARTAN-117

The Covenant

Commander: The High Prophet of Truth, Tartarus, The Arbiter

1 City-Planetoid (High Charity)

Largest Covenant fleet ever witnessed.

The Forerunner Constructs

Commander: 2401 Penitent Tangent

Unlimited Sentinels, Sentinel Majors, Enforcers, and Constructors

The Flood

Commander: The Gravemind

Thousands of Combat Forms

Millions of Infection Forms


No official timeline is ever given.

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