Camp Independence

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UNSC encampment located in the Highland Mountains on planet Reach. Camp Independance is located inside a large cavern in the shadow of a cliff, thereby obscuring the enterance from the casual observber. The cavern is illuminated by florescent lights and reinforced by steel I-beams on the walls and ceiling. It is protected by two Gauss Cannons bolted to large boulders near the enterance of the cavern. It was a falback position for high ranking staff of HIGHCOM.

During The Battle of Reach, Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb and his staff retreated to Camp Independence to escape death at the hands of the Covenant. He then radioed Charlie Company to come in and rescue him. Instead, he discovered that company to be destroyed, and Spartans in its place. He then ordered SPARTAN-104 to rescue him. Fredric dispatched SPARTAN-044, SPARTAN-093, and SPARTAN-008 to pick up Whitcomb. They then attempted to fall back to Fredric's position, but it had already be surrounded by the Covenant. They then held position and boradcast Oly Oly Oxen Free over the UNSC E-Band for three weeks until SPARTAN-117 and Cortana, aboard the Ascendant Justice, picked up the transmission and rescued Whitcomb and the Spartans from Camp Independence. His staff is assumed to be killed, and Camp Independence is still intact, one of few places not glassed by the Covenant.