Phoenix Logs/Flood Lore/Combat Forms

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The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.
Pestilent puppets.
Combat forms are relatively intact sentient hosts under the control of an
infection form that has nested within. Though sections of the host's body are
consumed and converted into Flood cells, some limbs and sensory organs are
retained to utilize available weapons, tools, vehicles, equipment, and even
starships. The infection form does augment its new body and repair minor
damage in order to better serve as a living weapon, but ultimately the combat
form is utterly disposable.
The infection form driving the host body does not feel pain or fear, though the
same cannot be said for the host. Worse, in some horrific circumstances the
infection form is unable to completely dominate the original personality and the
victim remains fully aware of their irrevocable transformation and use as a tool
of the parasite.