
Kill-to-death ratio

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A Kill-Death Ratio is a player's kill to death spread ratio. It is one of the many Halo 3 stats you can see on

Your K/D is your number of kills divided by the number of times you died. If they are both the same then it will come out as one. If you have more deaths than kills it will be a number between one and zero. If you have more kills then deaths, then it can be any number above one. rounds K/Ds to the nearest hundredth.

Kill-Death Spread is not to be confused with Kill-Death Ratio, as K/D Spread is a player's (or team's) total kills, minus their deaths. K/D Spread allows a quick comparasion of players after a match (or teams particully in the Multi Team playlist), while K/D Ratio provides a more accuate compaision over all the matches a player has played in. Having a good K/D Spread can be as simple as it being +1 or higher, however in unbalanced games with one pro or newbie, having a K/D Spread in the top half of the players. In the Playlist Action Sack, Tug of War is a game variant that depends on everyone on a team to have a good K/D Spread, as points are removed for dying as well as added for killing.