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{{merge|NOVA Bomb}}
First mentioned in [[Halo: First Strike]], the '''NOVA''' is a special device that uses nine fusion warheads in a ring formation. Once detonation occurs the lithium-triteride fusion cores combine together and the resulting blast is multiplied hundred-fold. Nick-named "planet-killers", these have enough explosive power to destroy an entire planet.
In the novel, they were left on Reach and "repurposed" by [[Admiral Whitcomb]].  His reasoning was that "either the Covenant pack those bombs up and take them home for study, a possibility that I hope to God happens.  A bomb like that could crack their homeworld in half.  Or, the bombs stay here, and they'll stop the Covenant on Reach..."
In [[Halo: Ghosts of Onyx]] it is discovered that the Covenant did in fact take the NOVA device with them. It was being transported aboard the Fleet Carrier [[Sublime Transcendence]] when the Grunt, Kwassass, activated the device. It gave the message: " ''This is the prototype Nova bomb, nine fusion warheads encased in lithium triteride armor. When detonated it compresses its fusionable material to neutron-star density, boosting the thermonuclear yeild a hundrededfold. I am Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb, temporarily in command of the UNSC military base Reach. To the Covenant uglies that might be listening, you have a few seconds to pray to your damned heathen gods. You all have a nice day in hell.'' " (Page 244, Nylund)
The resulting explosion detonated in-between the only known Covenant planet [[Joyous Exultation]] and its moon, [[Malhiem]]; scorching a quarter of the planet, shattering the moon, and the resulting winds on Joyous Exultation flattened cities and spawned tidal waves.
The Nova Bomb was a bomb from the book ''Starship Troopers'' wherein it is described as "being abled to split a planet in half". It is likely that this inspired the Nova Bomb.

Latest revision as of 09:01, July 14, 2011

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