XHoliday Killer
3 article edits
Basic info

January 12, 2011

Recent activity
Sent a gift to Rocket88
Sent a gift to 31stCenturyMatt
Sent a message to 31stCenturyMatt
"sorry called "Are you smarter than a Spartan" and looking for a Spartan..."
Sent a message to 31stCenturyMatt
"hey I am going to start a Halo game show called ""
About me

not much to know about me except that I love HALO and know just about everything there is to know about it.

Hobbies & interests

Avatar Halo series HALO

Favorite Halo moment

Watching Alpha Halo blow up in Halo CE

Worst Halo moment

Wathching the Cheif float away into space

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I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean. :)