Basic info



Bay Area


November 14th


Wikipedia, Here, YouTube, Wokkiepedia though maybe not if they switch skins, memory alpha samew thing


October 24, 2010

About me

I'm a Halo fan I own all three games and the novelization of the first. I made an account with Halopedia when it was still on Wiki but I actually support this move as i hate the new skin they have and want to continue to enjoy this website the way I have for the past year.

Hobbies & interests

Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Inside man, Riddick, Predator, Alien, AVP, Nolan Batman movies I've got tons Star Wars, Star Trek, Top CHef, MythBusters, Top Shot, Survivor, The Amazing Race just a few songs here and there Bring me to life, summer of 69, where my heart will take me Star Wars, Jurrassic Park, Left Behind, Alex Rider, PenDragon, Halo, Star Wars, Jet Set Radio Future, Mass Efect, Riddick none CHocalate chip cookies, CC scones, cc ice cream, vinalla ice cream, peperionia pizza, blow pops apple coke a cola mug root beer

Favorite Halo moment

Playing the second level of CE and coming out of the cliff edge structure and there was an elite right in fromt of me and my brother. THe elite went arrrghhh. My brother shot at it with his sniper rifle and the elite fell backwards off the cliff going raahhhhhhh. Priceless

Worst Halo moment

Trying to shot a rocket at the monitor on the library level while he was on the ground and killing me and my brother with that shot. SAD

Anything else

In CE keep an assult rifle, plsama rifle or a shotgun at all times. In Halo 2 for veicle combat use a ghost or wraith there much better.

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