Ace of Spades
1 article edit
Basic info

Maximus Decimus Meridius


July 8, 2013

Hobbies & interests

Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, The Patriot, We Were Soldiers, Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, Gladiator, Braveheart, Bourne movies Person of Interest, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Hawaii Five-0, Blue Bloods Vince Flynn's books Halo, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Minecraft Ice cream!!!!!!

Favorite Halo moment

Anytime I get to hijack or assassinate someone!

Worst Halo moment

It's a toss-up either when Cortana dies or when Spartan-B312 dies.

Anything else

I like very close range or very long range weapons. Shotguns, spikers, sniper rifles, and binary rifles. Noob guns? Yeah maybe, but still!

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