26 article edits
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April 5, 2023

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"Thanks a bunch for this info! Very helpful, and I’m happy to help. If th..."
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"Hey I have a quick question, I’m working on a new gallery in a page, am..."
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"Thank you bunches for contributing to the power weapon page, I was worri..."
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"Thank you for the tips, I’ll do better in the future. I used to edit a l..."
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About me

I’m just a massive Halo nerd, I started playing back in the Halo 3 days as a kid.

Hobbies & interests

I’m a gym rat, I started doing Halo themed workouts recently and I’m lovin’ it. Also interested in the Cottagecore aesthetic and art

Favorite Halo moment

Either the ODST drop cutscene from Halo 2 or pretty much any scene from Reach

Worst Halo moment

Playing as Osiris for 3/4 of Halo 5

Anything else

Horizontally spinning rat

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Hey, we've decided to go through with what Jack mentioned about a unified weapon types page. I've moved as much of the info you created for the power weapons page as I could. Rather than listing every power weapon that exists we'll instead create a category and navigation box that will appear at the bottom of every power weapon page as they are created. Here is the link to the new unified weapon type page https://www.halopedia.org/Weapon_types#Power_Weapon but if you feel there's enough material to once again have a standalone page for power weapons we can undo the edit and restore your power weapons page. Thank you for the work you've done so far and best of luck with your future edits.


Hey, no worries! Happy to help! Just FYI, the team was talking about how to tackle the page. There's quite a bit of back-and-forth on this topic; some even suggested that a page just on the various terminology (e.g. power weapon, precision weapon, utility weapon, etc.) would suffice. A gallery section may not be necessary, so it would be a shame if you put a lot of time and effort on something that the team later decides to be unnecessary. I would suggest focus on expanding on the description, elaborating on how power weapons differ in the games, and completing the list of power weapons for the respective games.


No worries; feel free to join the Discord if you need any help or account recovery - we have a lot of fairly active people there.


In general, we have some guidelines for linking pages which I would keep in mind for the future; when linking a page, it's generally best to link to the specific page subject (IE, link to Ripa 'Moramee instead of "Arbiter", or Guardian Custodes instead of just "Guardian"). Site navigation is even better when linking to the specific page needed.

Similarly, we generally try and avoid linking to a page several times on one page; once a page is linked to once in the article body, it's generally good practice not to link to it again on the rest of the page as to avoid cluttering the page with too many repeats.


Hi, please refrain from adding unnecessary page links to articles - especially if you're not linking to the right page in question. Thanks.