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Basic info

February 14, 2011

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About me

im in 6 grade right now :)

Hobbies & interests

Independence day-THAT MOVIE IS EPIC o.0 percy jackson series, Against all odds (chuck norris), alex rider series, battle of onyx (halo)

Halo reach- right now im a major grade 2; halo 3 great game; halo 2(best storyline) call of duty great series  doritos,sour patch kids, CHOCOLATE MILK (yum)
Favorite Halo moment

i was playing SWAT in halo reach and everyone one my team had quit. so it was me vs 4 guys on the other team. i thought " ahh nah dont quit i need credits" so i kept playing. guess what? i ended up winning. me vs a bunch of majors and generals. i gt a lot of credits :D

Anything else

of all the halos i think halo 2 campaign has the best story line. :)

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