Uploads by Kal825B

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
23:21, February 19, 2017 Spartan-G059 killing Elites.png (file) 4.17 MB Spartan-G059 killing 'Telcam's Guards.
15:23, February 12, 2017 HFoR AS 495lbs john bench press.png (file) 1.04 MB John-117 bench pressing 495 lbs after augmentations.
14:06, October 28, 2016 Mark V after missile.png (file) 3.87 MB Mark V after being hit from a missile's blast radius.
17:51, October 15, 2016 Chief gets hit by a Hunter shield.png (file) 711 KB Chief gets knocked down by a Hunter.
20:53, September 22, 2014 Spartan IV's sparring.png (file) 390 KB Spartan IV's sparring in a training room.
20:45, September 26, 2013 JunandMusa.png (file) 871 KB Jun and Musa watching over the new Spartan 4 recruits.