Forum:Website Background change

Forums: Index Index Website Background change

I feel that the Master Chief/Tsavo Highway background is getting fairl old so perhaps we could change the background to something newer. Perhaps something Halo CE Anniversery or Halo 4-related. BushWookieCamper

We can't. We tried it on Halloween the other year to have an ODST theme. The Halo 3 one remained and merged with the ODST theme... It wasn't pretty.-- Forerunner 08:25, 12 June 2011 (EDT)
Surely to fix that wouldn't be beyond our means?--The All-knowing Sith'ari 08:42, 12 June 2011 (EDT)
Could have another go at it. If someone could supply a panorama of the ring with landscape in Forge World, preferably one with the seas instead of the mountains, I can start testing if it works. Make sure it's 1900px wide and at least 200px high.— subtank 08:57, 12 June 2011 (EDT)
Tested it out and looks like Halopedia.css is a friendlier mediawiki than the ones we had in Wikia. So, I think we can change it. :) — subtank 09:05, 12 June 2011 (EDT)

So when are we actually going to do this? BushWookieCamper