In my own opinion, the UNSC Battle Rifle is a very good weapon. It's very good in single and multiplayer combat or so what I've seen on youtube. The Assult Rifle, very good in it's own way, is good on single and multiplayer too. But the real quistion is... Why don't people use the Assult rifle like they use the Battle Rifle. Halofan1311 20:32, July 29, 2010 (UTC) Halofan1311

Dustin Nugget: How come the pictures of the Covenant and UNSC main armory weapons are here. They look like they are from Halo 2. Plus they call the "Energy Sword" the "Plasma Sword". I think it should be removed or updated since it is out-dated. Also, why doesn't someone make a list of all the ground-based UNSC weapons and all the ground-based Covenant weapons. It would be hard and they are listed in other places, but a master list would fit best here. There should also be outer atmosphere weapons listed besides ground weapons. Like MAC guns, Shiva-Nuclear-Warheads, Plasma beams, Point Defense Guns, Archer Missiles, etc. Actually, a master list for outer-atmospheric weapons is something I have never seen and it may not exist anywhere else.//