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So you want to write a walkthrough for a level. But make sure you follow these rules and guidelines.

Make It Short

You want to make your walkthrough short and sweet. Provide enough information to help them through Legendary, but not telling them how to kill a Grunt every single time there is one.

Don't Spoil It

There are people who want to know how to beat the level, but they might not want to know what Master Chief does to save Captain Keyes. So don't tell them what happens--let them figure it out. If you need to include spoilers for walkthrough purposes, be sure to make a spoiler warning with this code:

'''Spoiler warning''': Plot or ending details follow.

And it will warn the people that they may spoil the ending. For a cutscene, you can say "Watch a cutscene here," or something like that. If you want to spoil the ending, go to the Cutscene Transcript section.

Be Original

It's not good to steal work and say it's yours. It's actually illegal. So give credit in the Sources page, or write original work.

Review It

Write it, and then print it out, and try it. Try to only do what the guide tells you. If you can't beat the level, then you have a problem with your walkthrough.

And last, but not least, write a good guide!