Heretic leader glitch

Revision as of 00:23, March 7, 2007 by (talk)

Go onto the level The Arbiter, and go through it, keeping a charged Energy Sword with you the entire time. Eventually you will come to a room, where you can see the Heretic Leader out on a Banshee Launchpad through a sheet of ornate glass. The reticule will turn red if you move it over him. Get out your Energy Sword, and start attempting to lunge at the Heretic Leader through the glass. Crouch, jump, and crouch-jump, tapping the right trigger the whole time. It may take a few tries, but eventually Arbiter will lunge, going straight through the glass at the Leader! Quickly grab his Banshee before he can pilot it, pick off his cronies, and you will have an inanimate Heretic Leader model! He is completely invincible, though you can kill him by knocking him off the ledge onto the pipeline below it. He will scream like when you kill him on the next level. WARNING! Do not do this if you are trying to beat the game. Because the Phantom that comes to support you will sit there shooting at the Leader, and it will not trigger any enemies or the door at the end of the level.