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May 25th


May 20, 2012

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About me

I tend to keep to myself, unless I feel familiar with something or don't mind that info getting out. No other giveaways, except what you can get from what info I give.

Hobbies & interests

None in particular, but I would like to see the Lord of the Rings series, along with Star Wars. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings-related; Halo series. In order of favorites, most to least: Halo Franchise, Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, Lord of the Rings Online, and Call of Duty. Macaroni and Cheese; Green Apple flavored Jolly Rancher lollypops; Skittles. Dr. Pepper; Coca-Cola; Chocolate Milk

Favorite Halo moment

Somehow skipping Commander Grade 2 entirely - I have no recollection of the symbol change, and I got no jackpot. I somehow got ≈70k credits. That's even over the normal jackpot of the time, 20k. Were prices reduced and things refunded? Did I somehow receive 70k by random chance? I haven't a clue.

Worst Halo moment

Early Matchmaking days, where I'd get around 1 kill a game, and but 5 was an achievement - even though I had played since Halo 2. Also, more recently, seeing Squad Slayer changed to DLC only.

Anything else

A more hilarious moment, I was about to shoot a batch of Skirmishers (which I -blam!-ing hate, by the way) with a Rocket Launcher on Beachhead on Arcadefight. My friend in a Ghost at the time, NoahGoni, decided to splatter them. I shoot and he splatters at the same time. His Ghost blows up (he is still alive) and I had suicided; he got an Overkill and I got only one. Also, being splatter-betrayed with Friendly Fire off, which I didn't think was possible (until then, obviously).

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