Unidentified AI

Revision as of 05:48, August 28, 2023 by (talk)

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern and frustration regarding the significant delay in the process of awarding degrees and providing official transcripts to students like myself. As a recent graduate of Iqra University, Chak Shahzad Campus, I am facing immense difficulties due to this extended wait.

Completing our higher education journey has been a significant milestone for all of us, and receiving our degrees and transcripts in a timely manner is crucial for various reasons, including pursuing further education, seeking employment opportunities, and fulfilling various professional and personal obligations. However, it has come to my attention that a substantial number of students, including myself, have been waiting for an unreasonably long period to receive these essential documents.

The delay has caused numerous inconveniences and uncertainties in our lives. Many of us had plans to apply for postgraduate programs both domestically and internationally, and the absence of our official transcripts is hindering our ability to meet application deadlines and secure our academic and professional futures. Additionally, some of us are in the process of job hunting, and the inability to provide prospective employers with verified proof of our academic achievements is putting us at a disadvantage in a competitive job market.

I understand that administrative processes can sometimes face challenges and unforeseen obstacles, but the lack of communication and transparency regarding the reasons for this delay has exacerbated our concerns. It is essential for students to be kept informed about the progress of these processes and any setbacks encountered.

I kindly request that the Higher Education Commission take immediate action to address this issue and expedite the process of awarding degrees and providing official transcripts to the affected students. Additionally, I urge you to enhance communication channels so that students can stay informed about the status of their documents.

Our education is an investment in our future, and the timely provision of degrees and transcripts plays a vital role in realizing the returns on that investment. I believe that by working together, we can find a solution to this issue and ensure that students' hard work and dedication are duly recognized.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and eagerly await a swift resolution. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or clarification.

Thank you for your understanding and prompt action on this pressing matter.
