Template:FOF-1 The Energy Projector was a Covenant starship weapon.


A Covenant CCS-class Battlecruiser firing an Energy Projector

The weapon fired a thin near-lightspeed beam of extremely energetic particles. It was possible to determine when it was about to fire because it typically generated a detectable radiation spike before firing. The beam has an effective range of about 100,000 kilometers, longer even than that of a UNSC Super Orbital Magnetic Accelerator Cannon. The long range allowed a ship armed with this weapon to 'snipe' targets.


The beam was able to take down the shields of a Covenant frigate or destroyer with a single hit.

Against UNSC ships, the weapon was able to pierce dozens of Titanium-A armor layers with ease. Therefore, a single hit could potentially disable or destroy vital systems, such as MAC cannon or engines, rendering the ship useless for combat.


According to Fred-104, only the "big ships [had] them." Ships of the Template:ShipClass and the Covenant Supercruiser were known to wield this weapon. Other large ship classes, such as Covenant Assault Carrier the Covenant Supercarrier, may have as well.