Flood: Difference between revisions

748 bytes added ,  14 years ago
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*The Infection Forms don't "explode" when they are shot in the cinematics.
*The Infection Forms don't "explode" when they are shot in the cinematics.
*There is now a swarm form that is like a bat shaped form
*There is now a swarm form that is like a bat shaped form
*The flood can indeed infect lower species like the Grunts and the Jackals. It says so right in Halo: the flood. Although it also says that the flood liked to avoid such species because of their poor physique and innibilty to become good combat forms. However it does say that they like them to use as workers.
*It says that the covenant and the flood were both destroyed after the destruction of the ark, this is immpossible and improbable for some very good reasons : the flood can't be destroyed because the other 5 instalations that are storing flood specimens as the first two were. The covenant Can't be destroyed because the mere thought of all the millions of ships that were  in service being destroyed is improbable.

